Low-flying aircraft mapping wetlands
A fixed-wing aircraft will be flying low over the region through until April.

Te Ara Tipuna Trails
Te Ara Tipuna Charitable Trust has applied for resource consent for a 500km trail around the coast from Gisborne to Ōpōtiki.

Salvaged treasures recycled
ReStore salvage items that can be repurposed or reused elsewhere - supporting the community.
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6 February
♻ Got a bright idea to reduce, reuse, recycle, repurpose, or compost waste? Funding of up to $20,000 is available across thr...

5 February
Calling Tairāwhiti creatives! The first Creative Communities funding round of 2025 is now open. Check out what our friends a...

4 February
📢 Nau mai, Haere mai. Come and chat to us about infrastructure in your community! Off the back of our Three-Year Plan (3YP)...
The journey of drinking water from the dams to your tap, told by Wai