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Rating information database

Ratepayers have the right to inspect our Rating Information Database (RID) and rates records. The RID is also available for inspection at our customer service counters at 15 Fitzherbert Street and Te Puia Springs.

The Rating Information Database (RID) details rating information for properties in the Gisborne district. This means each property's rating details including the name and postal address of the owner is accessible for viewing, unless you request them to be confidential.

Ratepayers have the right to object to any of the information included in the RID and rates records as set out in the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002. If you wish to withhold your name and/or postal address from this database you must tell us in writing, or can fill in the form below.

See the RID on  the search rates and valuations webpage

The rates record for a rating unit is available to the public with respect to rates assessed.

This does not include arrears, remissions or postponed rates.

These restricted details are available to the owner, ratepayer, an authorised person by the ratepayer, a person who becomes liable to pay the rates after payments are defaulted. Or a person who provides conveyancing services, a real estate agent or other person who is a party to or acting agent for a party to a transaction relating to the rating unit.

This prevents unauthorised persons viewing or receiving information about the state of a rate account in accordance with Section 38 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002.

Form to request confidentiality

Property owner's name and address details are included on the Rating Information Database. You may request that we make your name and/or postal address confidential on the database.

The request needs to be in writing confirming the details you want made confidential. You can fill in this form to make your details confidential on the Rating Information Database register.

This suppression will be applied to all properties that your name is associated with.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Property details
Find this on your rates notice
Owner details
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