Hihiratia, Rauiria, Marokehia

Check, clean, dry

Help protect the waterways we love

In Tairawhiti we treasure our waterways and want to protect them from freshwater pests, now and for the next generation. We remind you to take care while enjoying our rivers and lakes to stop the spread of pest plants and fish between waterways.

Protect our waterways

All it takes is one tiny fragment of aquatic weed, one droplet of water or a single fish egg hitching a ride on your gear to spread pests to previously unaffected waterways – choking our lakes and rivers, making them murky and out-competing native wildlife.

So please check, clean and dry your gear to stop the spread of pests.

Aquatic pests

Once a freshwater pest such as catfish, hornwort or lindavia gets in a waterway it's difficult and expensive to remove, if it's possible to at all.  These pests can also prevent us from accessing and enjoying our waterways.

The best defence is prevention!

Which pests? Find out more about freshwater pests in Pest Control Hub

Check, Clean, Dry between our waterways


Before leaving a waterway check boats, trailers, fishing gear and other equipment for any plant material and remove it.

Remember a thumbnail size plant fragment may be all that's needed. Leave it at the site or in a rubbish bin.


Wash all gear and equipment that's been in contact with the water.


10% dishwashing liquid or nappy cleaner or 2% bleach or salt water (sea strength or 1 cup of table salt per 1 litre of water). Leave the item wet for 10 minutes.


Dry thoroughly - inside and out and then wait for 48 hours at least before entering another waterway.