Friday 15 December, 2023
Nominations are open until 15 January for next year’s Superhero Awards – those people you know who went above and beyond during Cyclone Gabrielle.
“It’s been a tough year for our communities,” says Mayor Rehette Stoltz.
“As we near the one-year anniversary of Cyclone Gabrielle, we felt it was time to reflect on the year that was and show Tairāwhiti some love.
“Nominees will be considered for this special awards ceremony to acknowledge the outstanding acts of those who helped our community get through.
“We want to recognise the selfless people in your neighbourhood, local organisations or community groups that went above and beyond to help, support or contribute during the cyclone response between 13 Feb and 14 March 2023.”
Mayor Stoltz says the Superhero Awards will be part of a broader campaign Council will be running next year called For Tairāwhiti with Love.
“Because the one-year anniversary falls on Valentine’s Day, we wanted to use that try and bring some aroha to all our residents.
“This campaign will bring out our Superheroes.
“There’ll be a digital campaign, where we will encourage people from across the country to send in messages of support for our region. Our community will be able to view them on our engagement platform Participate on Council’s website. Send your love | Participate (
“There’ll also be a historical keepsake -- a booklet delivered to every household about what happened in our region.
“For the one-year anniversary, a team of writers is documenting stories from people across the region, which will printed with a timeline of the historic event we all went through.
“We want to ensure that we mark the significance of a year and continue our journey to healing our people.”
Nominations are open now until 15 January 2024, Superhero Awards evening will be held on Thursday 15 February, 2024.
- Nominate your Superheroes of Cyclone Gabrielle from now until 15 January, head online to Superhero Awards | Send your love | Participate (
- If you or a community organization is planning an event to commemorate the one-year anniversary of Cyclone Gabrielle – please email