The committees of Gisborne District Council and their purpose.
Mayor Stoltz (chair), deputy chair and all councillors.
Meetings are 6 weekly cycle.
The Council is responsible for strategic leadership, through the creation of policies based on the legislative mandate.
- The power to make a rate
- The power to make a bylaw.
- The power to borrow money, or purchase or dispose of assets, other than in accordance with the Long Term Plan.
- The power to adopt a Long Term Plan, Annual Plan or Annual Report.
- The power to appoint a chief executive.
- The power to adopt policies required to be adopted and consulted on under the Local Government Act 2002 in association with the Long Term Plan or developed for the purpose of the Local Governance Statement.
- The power to adopt a remuneration and employment policy.
- Terms of reference and delegations for the 2016-209 triennium.
- The power to approve or change a plan (RMA)
- The power to approve or amend the Council's standings orders.
- The power to approve or amend the code of conduct for elected members.
The power to appoint and discharge members of committees. - The power to establish a joint committee with another local authority or other public body.
- The power to make the final decision on a recommendation from the Ombudsman where it is proposed that Council not accept the recommendation.
- Make those decisions which are required by legislation to be made by resolution of the local authority that are not listed above.
- Consider any matters referred to it from any of the Committees.
- Authorise all expenditure not delegated to staff or other Committees.
Committees of the whole
6 weekly cycle
Mayor Stoltz (chair) and all elected members.
This is where all strategy, plans, policies and bylaws are delivered through one committee.
Strategy, plan, policy and bylaw making are separated from operational decision-making.
Monitoring of the state of the environment happens in this Committee to feed into regulatory plans, policies and associated bylaws.
To develop, approve, review and recommend to Council (where applicable) statutory and non-statutory policy, plans, bylaws and strategies to:
- Develop a vision and a pathway for the future of the district.
- Sustainably manage resources in the region.
- Identify and promote community aspirations.
- Define and deliver on Council’s roles.
- Integrate an all of wellbeing approach to strategy, plan and policy development.
- Have effective statutory plans and bylaws to protect community and environmental needs
Mayor Stoltz (chair), deputy chair and all elected members.
To assist Council to oversee financial and non-financial performance, including the delivery of Council's capital programme and oversight of the Council Controlled Trading Organisation.
- To monitor Council activities and services performance against budget, annual plans, the Long Term Plan, annual reports and corporate and financial policies.
- The Finance & Performance Committee also receives enforcement and compliance performance activity reporting to ensure financial and non-financial performance oversight of its regulatory functions.
Councillor Andy Cranston (chair) and all elected members.
To provide governance oversight of Council’s operational programmes, services, activities and projects related to environmental operations, community development and community assets.
To enable the progress of the Council’s operational activities, projects and services
Councillor Larry Foster (chair) and all elected members.
To provide governance oversight of Council’s operational programmes, services, activities and projects related to infrastructure activities and infrastructural assets.
To enable the progress of the Council’s operational activities, projects and services.
Statutory Committees
4 elected members - Pahuru-Huriwai (chair), Gregory, Telfer, Thompson, and one NZTA member.
Meets quarterly.
To prepare a regional land transport plan, or any variation to the plan, for the approval of the Council.
- To provide the Council with any advice and assistance the Council may request in relation to its transport responsibilities.
- Section 106 Land Transport Management Act 2003.
Mayor Stoltz (chair), deputy chair Josh Wharehinga, 4 elected members - Gregory, Parata, Pahuru-Huriwai, Telfer, and 4 iwi appointees.
Meets quarterly.
To ensure that appropriate emergency management as detailed in the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (the Act) is carried out within the Gisborne district.
- Provide governance and oversight of the activities required to be undertaken on its behalf by the Act.
Minimum of 3 members, independent or elected - Councillor Tibble.
Meets as required.
Independent chair.
To consider and determine all relevant applications under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Standing Committees
Bruce Robertson (independent chair), Mayor Stoltz and 5 elected members - Alder, Cranston, Robinson, Telfer, Wharehinga.
Meets quarterly.
To assist the Council to exercise due care, diligence and skill in relation to the oversight of:
- The robustness of the internal control framework.
- The integrity and appropriateness of external reporting, and accountability arrangements within the organisation for these functions,
- The robustness of risk management systems, process and practices,
- Internal and external audit;
- accounting practice and where relevant accounting policy;
- compliance with applicable laws, regulations, standards and best practice guidelines for public entities; and
- the establishment and maintenance of controls to safeguard the Council’s financial and non-financial assets.
4 elected members - Foster, Robinson, Tibble, Tupara, and 4 iwi members
2 meetings per year.
- The establishment of this Committee is a requirement of the conditions of the resource consents for the upgrade and discharge of Gisborne’s municipal wastewater.
- Ensure implementation, commissioning and monitoring of the wastewater treatment plant is carried out in accordance with the consent conditions.
Independent commissioners.
Meets as required
Panel appointed under delegated authority by the Chief Executive and Directors.
This ensures separation of regulatory enforcement/compliance functions.
The appointment of independent members is necessary to minimise conflicts of interest, particularly with Resource Management Act hearings and decisions.
It is particularly important to have independent commissioners where Council is the applicant
- To conduct hearings and/or determine under delegated authority applications for consent and all other matters required to be heard and determined by way of a Hearing under the Resource Management Act 1991.
6 elected members - Robinson (chair), Foster, Gregory, Ria, Thompson, Tupara
Meets as required
- To conduct hearings and/or determine under delegated authority applications relating to the Dog Control Act 1996 and any other matters required for determination by Council under legislation as determined by Council.
- To consider and hear submissions on Council bylaws.
Mayor Stoltz (chair) 5 elected members - Alder, Foster, Parata, Ria, Wharehinga and 2 independent commissioners Alan Matheson and Sarah Stevenson, and up to 6 iwi appointees (yet to be nominated).
Meets quarterly, or as needed.
A co-governance committee to oversee the TRMP review process - the key planning framework for how Council manages natural resources within the region, including urban development.
Independent as required.
Conducts investigations and makes recommendations regarding Code of Conduct complaints.
Mayor Stoltz, deputy mayor Wharehinga and up to 3 elected members - Cranston, Pahuru-Huriwai, Tibble.
Oversees the performance of the Chief Executive in line with the performance agreement and his/her ongoing relationship with the Council, and report regularly to the Council on his or her performance.
Mayor Stoltz or mayor’s appointee, Chief Executive, one independent and up to 2 elected members - Alder, Wharehinga.
- Oversees and manages recruitment and selection process of Council appointments.
- To recommend to Council appointments of directors and trustees.
Local Leadership Body (LLB)
Mayor Stoltz, 5 elected members - Cranston, Pahuru-Huriwai, Robinson, Tupara, Wharehinga, and 6 iwi representatives.
Its purpose is to:
(a) contribute to the sustainable management of the natural and physical resources in the LLB area for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations, while recognising and providing for the traditional relationship of Ngai Tāmanuhiri, Rongowhakaata, and Te Aitanga a Māhaki and Affiliates with their ancestral lands, water, sites, wāhi tapu, and other taonga; and
(b) to enable individuals and communities within the LLB area, as resources allow,—(i) to provide for their social, economic, and cultural well-being; and (ii) to achieve improved outcomes in respect of the environment; and
(c) to ensure that the Council is appropriately informed of its statutory obligations within the LLB area, including obligations in respect of Te Tiriti o Waitangi arising under the Local Government Act 2002 and the Resource Management Act 1991 and any other relevant enactment.
Established under the Ngai Tamanuhiri Settlement Act.
19 September 2017 - Gisborne District Council and Iwi Co-Governance in Tairāwhiti a discussion to begin the Local Leadership Body.