Te tukanga whakaaetanga hanganga

Building consent process

If you need help to complete the building consent application form, talk to our staff before submitting your application, or ask your builder or designer to help you.

Building Consent Forms

What's required with your application

The application form, plans and supporting documentation must meet our standards.

Every application must be made on the prescribed form, completed in full, including the list of building code means of compliance completed by the designer.
A comprehensive list of supporting documentation is included on the application form. Together with your application form, you're required to provide a copy of the plans that are clear, concise and drawn to scale on white paper in black ink only. We won't accept plans drawn on graph paper. Contact our staff for help with any part of the form.

The plans should include:

  • a location plan
  • site plan
  • a floor plan of each floor (if there is more than one)
  • an elevation of each exterior wall
  • drainage plan
  • foundation layout
  • sufficient cross-sections to show the full nature and extent of the work
  • a full set of construction details of specifications.

The location plan should show the location of the site in relation to known points. It need not be to scale.

The site plan must be drawn to scale and should show all buildings on the site and their relationship to the boundaries. Normal scale is 1:200. This is not always possible for buildings on country properties so please ask the Duty Building Inspector what details are required if this is the case with your application. Where applicable please show where the septic tank and effluents lines are.

Floor plan scale 1:50 or 1:100 The floor plan should clearly show doors, windows, the rooms on that floor and the intended use of that room. Show the fittings within the room such as benches in the kitchen, bath and basin in the bathroom and the position of the pan in the toilet compartment.

Elevations scale 1:50 or 1:100 Provide an elevation of each exterior wall showing all openings, doors, etc. For new dwellings, and substantial additions, a weather-tightness matrix must be supplied for each elevation. This matrix is a scoring system that determines if your choice of exterior cladding must have a drained and ventilated cavity behind it or not. Ask us about the weather-tight matrix.

Cross sections scale1:50 Supply cross sections of the building which clearly show the method of construction, details of the materials intended to be used and accurately show floor levels and adjacent ground levels.

When can the work start?

Work must not start any building work until the invoice has been paid and the building consent has been issued and picked up.

You must read the approved building consent documents before work begins.

The stamped documents must be kept on site at all times during building construction.