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Planning a wetland restoration?

1 June 2023

Council’s Catchments and Biodiversity team is working on developing some tools and resources to help landowners and community groups with planning biodiversity enhancement projects. The first of these new resources is now available on our website.

Our Wetland Restoration Plan is a writeable pdf template that can either be filled out digitally or printed off. It is intended to be used as a “catch-all” project planning document that once completed can be submitted to Council to ensure your project is compliant with local and national rules around doing work in wetlands. This should be done before starting any work in a wetland.

Wetlands form a critical boundary between the land and water. They can be permanently or seasonally wet areas, shallow water, and land water margins that support a natural ecosystem of plant and animals that are adapted to wet conditions.

No matter what shape or size, they contribute to the water quality in our region. They are crucial for the health of our environment and ecosystems, are of significant cultural importance for Māori, and provide important habitat for a wide variety of plants and animals.

If you have a wetland on your property, we can offer advice and support to help keep it healthy and restore it. Our Natural Heritage Fund may be able to provide funding for your wetland enhancement or restoration project.

For more information on rules regarding wetlands:

National Environmental Standard- Fresh Water (NES-FW)

Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan